Sunday 5 February 2012


I know I am someone who is pursuing their dreams unconventionally. And this is challenging because the way that we have been trained screams anarchy. The unknown is what many people fear the most and you can count on the fact that I am part of those unspoken statistics. But, somewhere along these past couple of months I have: met others who have the same intentions as me, who want to help people and are working on bettering themselves. And I know that this is happening because I am following my heart first and then my head. 

So - I've been wondering about the HOW alot - HOW are we going to make this idea of THE HOLISTIC VIEW work? And although I don't know the answers yet, I have been putting all my trust in the Universe to show me the way. And help is what the Universe has shown me. One of my good friends, actually told me to read this book by Lilou Mace called I HAD NO MONEY, AND I LIKED IT. What an amazing and inspirational book! There are so many similarities between this woman and the way that she feels and thinks that I was shocked! This woman really fired up my belief in pursuing my dreams. I feel like I've landed on a goldmine of truth. I recommend everyone who is pursuing what they believe in to read it! She alleviates any doubt that I have in my mind. Love you JESSICA SCHAB for recommending this book!

Also, when I went to the COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION seminar on the 28th, it led me to some amazing people. (These are the young men and women who are co-creating and collaborating on the ideas of THE HOLISTIC VIEW) - can't wait for you all to hear what they have to say. Almost if not all of the ideas that these people have are so insightful, worth knowing and makes your body tingle because of its simplicity and truth. AMAZING AMAZING PEOPLE!!! We are planning to meet this week to expand on these ideas so I will keep you posted more on the progress.

Another thing that I have been keeping myself busy with is collaborating with my one of my good friends on creative ideas for BRANDAID. They are an amazing company! Right now, they are helping artists from third world countries like Haiti by helping them brand their artwork. If you have not seen or heard about this, please look them up! I absolutely LOVE coming up with advertising campaigns that will help create interest for the brand because it will change their perception of their economy. These are the types of things that I love doing!!! Definitely brings my spirits up!

I feel like I don't have any excuses anymore to feel in doubt of myself and of what I want to do. Just know that there are others who care enough about the world that they will stop what they are being told to do and just go for whatever feels right in their heart. If you feel like there is no help, just reach out and do something that feels right, and the Universe will nudge you the right direction.

Oh and by the way - cleaning bathrooms is so worth it! There are more connections at this center to help out with THE HOLISTIC VIEW!

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