Wednesday 15 February 2012


trans·par·ent [trans-pair-uhnt]
1. easily seen through, recognized, or detected: transparent excuses.
2. manifest; obvious: a story with a transparent plot. 

au·then·tic [aw-then-tik] 
1. entitled to acceptance or belief because of agreement with known facts or experience; reliable; trustworthy: an authentic report on poverty in Africa. 
taken from 

These words have been coming up a lot. I believe it is something that we are all working towards. What I mean is to not hide who we truly are from one another by sharing all facets of ourselves authentically and without fear. I am having a challenging time with this. I haven't necessarily been so transparent with my friends and family about my intentions of my new life plan with THE HOLISTIC VIEW because I am still working out the fear of judgement of getting a "great" job. Nevertheless, I somehow muster up the courage to go to these meetings, make plans, work out details and organize everything as it comes along because of my belief in this idea.  

I just saw the CE INTERVIEW WITH LILOU MACE a couple of days ago and I am thankful that I am not the only one who felt afraid of what people may think when they first started with ideas that don't play a part in conformity. I have been hesitating for a while now to share because of this. I'm realizing more and more that what feels right in my heart is to share knowledge and experience because I know other people are going through the same things.

I have to thank the many people who are already doing this and have shown me and the world what the possibilities are when you are your true and authentic self. These are the things that are worth sharing. This is what my heart truly desires - that people will open their eyes and take a good look of what is going on around them and realize what transparency and authenticity means. This is where we take responsibility for all of the things that we let happen. The best part is, we all get to use our creativity for these solutions. This idea of THE HOLISTIC VIEW is just one aspect of it.

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